Botswana’s 100km Pipe line project The Khato Civils/South Zambezi/Evolution Engineering JV (KCSZEEJV) has been appointed by the Water Utilities Corporation (WUC) in Botswana to design, and construct a Transmission Water Pipeline of approximately 100 km from Masama...
On the 1st November 2020, the KhatoCivils/ South Zambezi Joint Venture was awarded a contract for the Design, Supply, Installation, Construction and Commissioning of the Mmamashia Water Treatment Plant by the Water Utilities Corporation of Botswana (WUC). The...
A two phased project which included, short term critical emergency works. (Water supply to Nkensani Hospital with installation of water softening plant.) Long term reliable water supply and waste water management. (6 Boreholes were rehabilitated and made operational...
Botswana Water Utilities Corporation (WUC) has identified a need to refurbish the North South Carrier 1 (NSC-1) Pump Stations PS 1.1 (Tender WUC013 of 2017) and PS 2.1(Tender WUC013 of 2017) to enhance efficiency. The main objectives are to upgrade and refurbish the...